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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Silber, kolloidales Silber - Literatur
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge
•  Symptome
•  Zusammenhänge, Therapieansätze
•  Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z
Teil 2: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken
Teil 3: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft
siehe auch: Beck Ströme/Magnetfelder Regeneration Kristalle Wasser/Salz Urin Blut Lymphe

"Silberkolloidbehandlung führt zu einer relativ nebenwirkungsfreien nachhaltigen
Befreiung von humanpathogenen Keimen, ohne Nachteil der Resistenzbildung.."

"Silber hat die Fähigkeit Quecksilber zu neutralisieren und aus dem Körper auszuleiten.."

"Simtex=hochfeines mit reinem Silber versehenes Textil.. reflektiert/dämpft HF-Strahlung 99,99%..
Schlafender durch Matratzenunterlage nahezu vollständig von Strahlung abgeschirmt..
verkürzte Einschlafphasen/längere erholsame Tiefschlafphasen.."

"Dr. Becker zeigt die Dedifferenzierung von Krebszellen.. Petrieschale mit Silberelektroden..
pos. Strom.. Silberionen.. wandelt Krebszelle in primitive Zelle, die in Organzelle redifferenziert..
Hautkrebs umgewandelt.." Robert Becker in Haley: 'Politics in Healing' Kap.9

"Wer heilt, hat recht"

Literatur, Patente
  Sala 1614: Sonnenlicht färbt Silbernitrat-Kristalle schwarz
  Scheele 1777: in Silberchloridlösung eingetauchtes Papier wird im Sonnenlicht dunkel.. violettes Ende des Spektrums wirksamer..
  Ritter 1801: in Silberchloridlösung eingetauchtes Papier wird insbesondere durch unsichtbares UV-Licht dunkel..
  Ritter: "Versuche über das Sonnenlicht" Annalen der Physik 12,12 409-415 1803 Sonnenlicht färbt Silber schwarz..
  Krahmer: "Das Silber als Arzneimittel betrachtet" Eduard Anton, Halle 1845.. 355 Seiten..
  Crede: "Die Verhütung der Augenentzündung der Neugeborenen" Arch Gynäkol 17 50 1881
  1893: Carl Sigmund Crede
  Henry Crookes: "The use of colloidal silber" London 1910 Quecksilberlösung tötet B. coli communis in 2min, Silberlösung in 6min..
  Crookes: "On metallic colloidals and their bactericidal properties. The history of collosols" Scientific American 78 2-3 4.7.1914 Kolloide.. Vortrag vor Royal Soc Med 8.4.1914..
  Simpson, Hewlett: "Experiments on the germicidal action of colloidal silver" Lancet 12.12.1914 kolloidales Silber tötet Typhus-Bazillus in 15min bei 500ppm bzw. in 2h bei 5ppm (harmlos für Patienten)..
  Alfred B. Searle: "The use of colloids in health and disease" Constable Co LTD. London 1920 zitiert viele Fachartikel zu kolloidalem Silber.. Silber und Quecksilber sehr effektiv gg. Bakterien.. Quecksilber giftig..
  Brentano, Margraf, Montafo, Moyer: "Antibacterial efficacy of a colloidal silver complex" Surgical Forum 17 76-78 1966 ionisches und/oder kolloidales Silber wirksam bei Verbrennungsopfern.. speziell gg. Pseudomonas aeruginosa..
  Selawry: "Silber und Silber-Therapie" Haug-Verlag, Ulm 1966.. 349 Seiten..
  Barranco, Spadaro, Berger, Becker: "In vitro effect of weak direct current on Staphylococcus aureus" Clin Orthop Relat Res 100,0 250-255 5.1974
  Marino, Berger, Becker, Spadaro: "The effect of selected metals on marrow cells in culture" Chem Biol Interact 9,3 217-223 9.1974
  Spadaro, Berger, Barranco, Chapin, Becker: "Antibacterial effects of silver electrodes with weak direct current" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 6,5 637-642 11.1974 antibakterielle Wirkung mit schwachen Strömen.. 0.4-400uA.. Elektroden Silber, Platin, Gold, Edelstahl, Kupfer.. Anode und Kathode..
  Berger, Spadaro, Chapin, Becker: "Electrically generated silver ions: quantitative effects on bacterial and mammalian cells" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 9,2 357-358 2.1976
  Berger, Spadaro, Bierman, Chapin, Becker: "Antifungal properties of electrically generated metallic ions" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 10,5 856-860 11.1976
  Becker, Spadaro: "Treatment of orthopaedic infections with electrically generated silver ions. A preliminary report" J Bone Joint Surg Am 60,7 871-881 10.1978
  Spadaro, Webster, Becker: "Silver polymethyl methacrylate antibacterial bone cement" Clin Orthop 143 266-270 9.1979
  Webster, Spadaro, Becker, Kramer: "Silver anode treatment of chronic osteomyelitis" Clin Orthop 161 105-114 1981 bei 64% von 25 therapieresistenten Patienten mit täglich elektrisch aktivierten Silberauflagen Wunden verschlossen, schmerzfrei..
  Deitch, Marino, Gillespie, Albright: "Silver nylon: a new antimicrobial agent" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 23 356-359 1983
  Marino, Malakanok, Deitch, Albright, Specian: "Electrochemical properties of silver-nylon fabrics" J Electrochem Soc 132 68-72 1985
  Marino, Deitch, Albright: "Electric silver antisepsis" IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME 32 336-337 1985
  Deitch, Marino, Malakanok, Albright: "Silver-nylon cloth: In vitro and in vivo evaluation of antimicrobial activity" J Trauma 27 301-304 1987
  MacKeen, Person, Warner, Snipes, Stevens: "Silver-coated nylon fiber as an antibacterial agent" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 31 93 1987
  Chu, McManus, Pruitt, Mason: "Therapeutic effects of silver nylon dressings with weak direct current on Pseudomonas aeruginosa-infected burn wounds" J Trauma 28,10 1488-1492 10.1988
  Yahya, Landeen, Messina, Kutz, Schulze, Gerba: "Disinfection of bacteria in water systems by using electrolytically generated copper, silver and reduced levels of free chlorine" Can J Microbiol 36,2 109-116 2.1990
  Chu, McManus, Mason, Okerberg, Pruitt: "Multiple graft harvestings from deep partial-thickness scald wounds healed under the influence of weak direct current" J Trauma 30 1044-1050 1990
  Chu, McManus, Okerberg, Mason, Pruitt: "Weak direct current accelerates split-thickness graft healing on tangentially excised second-degree burns" J Burn Care Rehabil 12,4 285-293 1991
  Antelman: "Anti-pathogenic multivalent silver molecular semiconductors" Precious Metals 16 141-149 1992
  Antelman: "Multivalent silver bactericides" Precious Metals 16 151-163 1992
  Russell, Path, Hugo: "Antimicrobial activity and action of silver" Prog Med Chem 31 354 1994
  Chu, McManus, Matylevich, Mason, Pruitt: "Enhanced survival of autoepidermal-allodermal composite grafts in allosensitized animals by use of silver-nylon dressings and direct current" J Trauma 39,2 273-277 8.1995
  Chu, Matylevich, McManus, Mason, Pruitt: "Direct current reduces wound edema after full-thickness burn injury in rats" J Trauma 40,5 738-742 5.1996 4 und 40uA.. Bilder..
  Fung, Bowen: "Silber products for medical indications: risk-benefit assessment" J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 34,1 119-126 1996
  US-Patent 5676977: Silber gg. Aids. Antelman 31.5.1996 -> 14.10.1997
  US-Patent 5814094: Stimulation von Gewebeheilung/Regeneration. Becker, Flick 28.3.1996 -> 29.9.1998
  US-Patent 7005556: Mehrlagen-Wundverband. Becker, Flick 3.8.1996 -> 28.2.2006
  US-Patent 6066489: Silber und Strom gg. HIV. Fields, Burris 30.8.1996 -> 23.5.2000 siehe US6539252
  Wright, Lam, Burrell: "Wound management in an era of increasing bacterial antibiotic resistance: a role for topical silver treatment" Am J Infect Control. 26,6 572-577 12.1998 Silber tötet antibiotikaresistente Bakterien ab.. Silverschicht wirksamer als Silbernitrat..
  Becker: "Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing" Electromagnetic Biol Med 19,1 1-19 2000
  US-Patent 6485755: Silber gg. Krebs. Antelman 20.10.2000 -> 26.11.2002 Behandlungsbeispiele..
  Innes, Umraw, Fish, Gomez, Cartotto: "The use of silver coated dressings on donor site wounds: a prospective, controlled matched pair study" Burns 27,6 621-627 9.2001
  Sigler, Patterson, Loehne, Sawyer, Johnson, Farmer: "The use of negative pressure therapy and elemental silver contact layer in increasing the survivability of split-thickness skin grafts" 16th Annual Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 20.-23.9.2001
  US-Patent 6539252: Blutelektrifizierung mit Silber gg. Blutpathogene wie HIV. Fields 26.1.2000 -> 25.3.2003
  US-Patent 6838095: Ionic Silver Complex. Newman et al. 7.3.2003 -> 4.1.2005 früher 2003/0147970
  Thomas, McCubbin: "A comparison of the antimicrobial effects of four silver-containing dressings on three organisms" J Wound Care 12,3 101-107 3.2003 Vergleich von 4 silberhaltigen Verbänden..
  Sondi, Salopek-Sondi: "Silver nanoparticles as antimicrobial agent: a case study on E. coli as a model for Gram-negative bacteria" J Colloid Interface Sci 275,1 177-182 1.7.2004
  Ovington: "The truth about silver" Ostomy Wound Manage 50,9A Suppl 1S-10S 9.2004 Wirkung von Silber auf Bakterien..
  Driver: "Silver dressings in clinical practice" Ostomy Wound Manage 50,9A Suppl 11S-15S 9.2004
  Roy, Tiller, Bell, Hoover: "The structure of liquid water; novel insights from materials research; potential relevance to homeopathy" Material Research Innovations 9,4 577-608 2005 Wirksamkeit kolloidales Silber gg. Bakterien im Vergleich zu Antibiotika.. Penicillin oft wenig wirksam.. Ofloxacin deutlich besser..
  Baker, Pradhan, Pakstis, Pochan, Shah: "Synthesis and antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles" J Nanosci Nanotechnol 5,2 244-249 2.2005
  Morones, Elechiguerra, Camacho, Holt, Kouri, Ramirez, Yacaman: "The bactericidal effect of silver nanoparticles" Nanotechnology 16 2346-2353 2005
  Wright: "Stop super-germs in their tracks with one powerful silver bullet" Nutrition & Healing 13,8 9.2006
  Silvestry-Rodriguez, Sicairos-Ruelas, Gerba, Bright: "Silver as a disinfectant" Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology 191 23-45 2007 antimikrobielles Silber seit tausenden von Jahren..
  Malcher, Volodkin, Heurtault, André, Schaaf, Möhwald, Voegel, Sokolowski, Ball, Boulmedais, Frisch: "Embedded silver ions-containing liposomes in polyelectrolyte multilayers: cargos films for antibacterial agents" Langmuir 24,18 10209-10215 16.9.2008
  Hussain, Schlager: "Safety evaluation of silver nanoparticles: inhalation model for chronic exposure" Toxicol Sci 108,2 223-224 4.2009
  Cannon, Hogue, Vajravelu, Capps, Ibricevic, Hindi, Kascatan-Nebioglu, Walter, Brody, Youngs: "In vitro and murine efficacy and toxicity studies of nebulized SCC1, a methylated caffeine-silver(I) complex, for treatment of pulmonary infections" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 53,8 3285-3293 8.2009
  Franco-Molina, Mendoza-Gamboa, Sierra-Rivera, Gómez-Flores, Zapata-Benavides, Castillo-Tello, Alcocer-González, Miranda-Hernández, Tamez-Guerra, Rodríguez-Padilla: "Antitumor activity of colloidal silver on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells" J Exp Clin Cancer Res 29 148 16.11.2010
  Vora: "Fingertip regeneration. Integrating next generation stem cell therapy into fingertip regenerative medicine" in Klatz, Goldman: "Anti-aging therapeutics volume XIV" 2011 tolle Bilder von Fingerspitzenregeneration mit Nanosilber.. Angabe der Mittel..
  Vora: "Nano silver induced stem cell activation. Next generation stem cell therapy" in Klatz, Goldman: "Anti-aging therapeutics volume XIV" 2011 tolle Bilder von Geschwürheilung am Fuß, diabetischer Fuß, Brustkrebs, fleischfressende Bakterien, Fingerspitzenregeneration mit Nanosilber.. Angabe der Mittel..
  Ansari, Khan, Khan, Malik, Sultan, Shahid, Shujatullah, Azam: "Evaluation of antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles against MSSA and MRSA on isolates from skin infections" Biol Med 3,2 141-146 2011 Silber gg. MRSA, MSSA.. Grafiken..
  Monteiro, Phillips, Crossley, Fielden, Willans: "Enhanced cytotoxicity of silver complexes bearing bidentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands" Dalton Trans 41 3720-3725 2012 Silber so gut wie Chemo gg. Krebs..
  Das, Das, Velusamy: "Sesbania grandiflora leaf extract mediated green synthesis of antibacterial silver nanoparticles against selected human pathogens" Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 104 265-270 3.2013
  Morones-Ramirez, Winkler, Spina, Collins: "Silver enhances antibiotic activity against gram-negative bacteria" Sci Transl Med 5,190 190ra81 19.6.2013
  Nakkala, Mata, Gupta, Sadras: "Biological activities of green silver nanoparticles synthesized with Acorous calamus rhizome extract" Eur J Med Chem 85 784-794 6.10.2014
  Sre, Reka, Poovazhagi, Kumar, Murugesan: "Antibacterial and cytotoxic effect of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles using aqueous root extract of Erythrina indica lam" Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 135 1137-1144 25.1.2015
  Sadeghi, Gholamhoseinpoor: "A study on the stability and green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Ziziphora tenuior (Zt) extract at room temperature" Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 134 310-315 5.1.2015
  Nayak, Pradhan, Ashe, Rauta, Nayak: "Biologically synthesised silver nanoparticles from three diverse family of plant extracts and their anticancer activity against epidermoid A431 carcinoma" J Colloid Interface Sci 457 329-338 1.11.2015 Krebs..
  Steiner-Ehrenberger: "Kolloidales Silber" Lebe natürlich 7-9 4.2016
  Gonzalez, Rosas-Hernandez, Ramirez-Lee, Salazar-García, Ali: "Role of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the cardiovascular system" Arch Toxicol 90,3 493-511 3.2016 Herz..
  Malter: "Silver Iontophoresis. Replacing antibiotics and antivirals" Nexus 8-9 37-42 6.2016
  Allison, Sadiq, Baronou, Cooper, Dunnill, Georgopoulos, Latif, Shepherd, Shnyder, Stratford, Wheelhouse, Willans, Phillips: "Preclinical anti-cancer activity and multiple mechanisms of action of a cationic silver complex bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands" Cancer Letters 403 98-107 2017
  Jain, Mehata: "Medicinal plant leaf extract and pure flavonoid mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their enhanced antibacterial property" Scientific Reports 7 15867 2017
  Han, Gurunathan, Choi, Kim: "Dual functions of silver nanoparticles in F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells, a suitable model for evaluating cytotoxicity- and differentiation-mediated cancer therapy" Int J Nanomedicine 12 7529-7549 12.10.2017 Krebs..
  Maher: "Silver is a broad spectrum anti-viral" 3.2020 gute Literaturangaben..
  Frei, Zuegg, Elliott, Baker, Braese, Brown, Chen, Dowson, Dujardin, Jung, King, Mansour, Massi, Moat, Mohamed, Renfrew, Rutledge, Sadler, Todd, Willans, Wilson, Cooper, Blaskovich: "Metal complexes as a promising source for new antibiotics" Chemical Science 11 2627-2639 2020
  Mikhailova: "Silver nanoparticles: Mechanism of action and probable bio-application" J Funct Biomater 11,4 84 12.2020
  Mohanta, Biswas, Jena, Hashem, Abd_Allah, Mohanta: "Anti-biofilm and antibacterial activities of silver nanoparticles synthesized by the reducing activity of phytoconstituents present in the indian medicinal plants" Front Microbiol 11 1143 6.2020 Silber..
  Zhao, Bunch, Isom: "Effects of electrical biostimulation and silver ions on porcine fibroblast cells" PLoS ONE 16,2 e0246847 10.2.2021 180nA, 380nA, 580nA über 21 Stunden..

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